ortho-bionomy® for pain management
Break the cycle of pain. Safely and effectively relieve stress.
Re-educate dysfunctional patterns and restore normal functioning.
Re-educate dysfunctional patterns and restore normal functioning.

"Ortho-Bionomy® is a gentle, non-invasive, osteopathically-based form of body therapy which is highly effective in working with chronic stress, injuries and pains or problems associated with postural and structural imbalances. The practitioner uses gentle movements and positions of the body to facilitate the change of stress and pain patterns. A strong focus is placed on the comfort of the individual, no forceful movements are used." ~Society of Ortho-Bionomy
One of my long term clients was receiving Ortho-Bionomy treatments from a practitioner and would tell me how good it made him feel. He suggested that I start learning the technique. He insisted on it for a few years until one day I accepted an invitation to a lecture-demonstration on Ortho-Bionomy.
The therapist giving the lecture demonstrated on a heavy set gentleman complaining of intense pain in his lumbar region. The therapist put him on his side on the massage table, propped with pillows and fully clothed. She raised his leg for about 30 seconds and waited. I was able to see and actual change in his back structure. When she put his leg back in place, she touched the same place in his lumbar area, and the pain was gone.
One of my long term clients was receiving Ortho-Bionomy treatments from a practitioner and would tell me how good it made him feel. He suggested that I start learning the technique. He insisted on it for a few years until one day I accepted an invitation to a lecture-demonstration on Ortho-Bionomy.
The therapist giving the lecture demonstrated on a heavy set gentleman complaining of intense pain in his lumbar region. The therapist put him on his side on the massage table, propped with pillows and fully clothed. She raised his leg for about 30 seconds and waited. I was able to see and actual change in his back structure. When she put his leg back in place, she touched the same place in his lumbar area, and the pain was gone.
What people are saying
"Yini's massages keep me in one piece. I have been seeing her for almost 5 years and don't have a bad thing to say. I have recommended Yini to friends and family all along. I could not imagine using anyone else as a massage therapist." Rachel Miller, student and horseback rider. |
Florida License Ma24690
“Yini was instrumental in my maintaining good health following surgery and chemotherapy. Now she is a huge component of my wellness program.” Iris Nystrom, Lcsw |